Entries by Sheila Uwimana

Abadahigwa Cooperative

The elders wish to see their youngest grow and teach their siblings as a way of preserve the cultural generation to generation.
Abadahigwa means The people who can’t be surpassed, and the weavers of this cooperative are determined to use their craft to lift their families out of poverty and contribute to their community.
They aim to work together, learn together and grow together. The elders wish to see their youngest grow and teach their siblings as a way of preserve the cultural generation to generation.

Dukoranumurava Cooperative

Natural sisal fibers threated over a core of locally gathered forest grasses become beautiful decor and functional household goods through hand craftsmanship.
Dukoranumurava means Let’s Work with Courage, and the weavers of this cooperative are determined to use their craft to lift their families out of poverty and contribute to their community.
We use our time together not only to weave and exchange skills, but also to discuss different ideas like opening our own shops as another source of income.

Duterimbere Cooperative

Natural sisal fibers threated over a core of locally gathered forest grasses become beautiful decor and functional household goods through hand craftsmanship.
Duterimbere means Let’s Move Forward, and the weavers of this cooperative are determined to use their craft to lift their families out of poverty and contribute to their community.
We use our time together not only to weave and exchange advice, but also to discuss important topics such as women’s rights.

KIIUKA Cooperative

KIIUKA Cooperative is a group of 6 young talented men who specialize in wood carving.

In terms of money and time, among the products we make, we like crafting measuring cups. But in terms of our feelings, we like crafting nativity sets, which remind us of the birth of Jesus. Working with Azizi Life is our hope; it is making us who we were wishing to be. – . Jabiro Jean de Dieu

Tunozumurimo Cooperative

Tunozumurimo members used to work separately and their income was too low because of lack of ideas, market and experience. cooperative, selling the quality of products made by law materials found in their community; It is like sharing with the beauty, culture and knowledge of rural Rwandan community. .

Icyizere Cooperative

Icyizere group learned sewing, print-making, pearls beautification and weaving. They decided to focus on weaving bowls and trivets because of the opportunity to work with Azizi Life.

With help from Azizi Life, Icyizere Shyogwe became more organized, members’ skills improved and they received fair wages for their products. !

Twuzuzanye Cooperative

Twuzuzanye Weavers is a group that is able to pay their family needs, able to make savings and they have good reputation in their area.

Abadacogora Cooperative

Abadacogora has 22 weavers.- half are older ladies and rest are youth. Each one learnt their weaving skills from their parents and continue to pass it down through the generations.
With hard work, strong financial management and prayers, Abadacogora strive to be successful and sustainable.

Ababerarugo Cooperative

Ababerarugo cooperative decided to group together with the purpose of fighting poverty and improving the quality of life using their skilled hands.
Ababerarugo means Beautifying our Homes, and the weavers of this cooperative are determined to use their craft to lift their families out of poverty and contribute to their community.
Ababerarugo boots the community spirit when they employ their neighbors during busy season of weaving.

Kanguka Cooperative

Priska Kanakuze is the founder of the Kanguka Cooperative. She has passed down her weaving skills and Priska’s daughter Redempta is also a member of the group. When I was in the hospital about to have my first baby, I was scared. But then I remembered that it was Wednesday delivery day and at Azizi Life, my friends would be gathered together, praying for me. Then I felt assured and strengthened to bring my baby boy into the world. – Redempta