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Together, we can fight poverty and work towards positive individual, family and community development.

Duterimbere Cooperative

Let’s Move Forward Cooperative

Duterimbere Cooperative which has established in 2018, is a group of 20 female weavers who believe that together, they can fight poverty and work towards positive individual, family and community development.

Duterimbere specifically makes bowls and Sutton baskets. their income makes it possible to meet their basic needs, afford health insurance and cover school fees for their children.

The group’s goal is to develop themselves and their community through their art. The married women of the group have seen peace and happiness grow in their homes as they have had the opportunity for financial independence and the dignity of being significant contributors to the family’s wellbeing.

Working with Azizi Life has increased the value of their products, access to the market and enhanced their teamwork abilities and faith in Jesus. Their dream is that each member will be able to build her own house and share their knowledge, skills and abilities of weaving with their descendants.

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