Pass the Frijoles, Please! – old

During our Guatemala trip, there was one thing Becca & I never got sick of…FRIJOLES. We begged our waiters, in broken Spanish, for these magical beans every meal. Kind of an odd thing to fall in love with, but we did. They stole our hearts, so once we got home our first priority was figuring out how to recreate them, clearly.  See below for our perfected (and taste tested!) frijoles recipe. 


  • 1 pound dry black beans

  • 1 medium white onion, roughly chopped

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • 2 teaspoons salt, and more to desired taste 


  1. Rinse the black beans under cold water.
  2. Put beans in a crock pot and add enough water to cover the beans about an inch (about 5 cups).
  3. Add the onion, garlic and salt. Turn the crock pot on low for 4-5 hours. Serve as is, if you want to keep your beans whole.
  4. But let’s be real, you don’t want them whole. You want them refried. Because, everything is better fried.
  5. Refried beans: Wait until the beans have slightly cooled. Transfer the beans (sans liquid), to a food processor or blender.  Add about ¼ cup of the liquid and puree until smooth- add more liquid if the beans looks dry and pasty. Heat a medium sized pan on medium heat with two tablespoons canola or vegetable oil. Add the pureed beans and cook until warm. Serve with anything. They are delicious with everything.


all smiles here, because there are beans on those plates!



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